Sunday, January 25, 2009

Daddy Daycare

I am one of the few fortunate women to be married to a terrific guy. He is charasmatic, helpful, and not too bad on the eyes. Most importantly to me, he is a terrific father. He loves our children deeply, and is extremely involved in their lives. Yep, we lucked out. Without furthur adieu.....This is Tex.

Wait, wait, wait. I think I got the wrong pic. That's Wentworth Miller from Prison Break. While he seems like a cool enough guy, he is not my husband. (Sadly enough) My husband is way cooler. His tattoos are real.

This is the real Tex

Tex and I dont have a typical 9-5, kids in daycare, everyone is home all weekend type of family. This leaves Tex taking care of all three kids on a regular basis. They love it. He loves it. Everybody wins.

I just have a few questions..........

First, does choclate ice cream and raisins really count as a nutritious lunch? I get the raisin part. Little dried up grapes cant be too harmful right? Even if Kai does eat the box they come in as well. And ice cream? Well, at least it is dairy, that's good. Unless of course the two year old that is eating it is Lactose Intolerant. I dont want to change those diapers.

Then there is the issue of the swingset. Courtesy of Gramps and Grams, our kids have a swing set that rocks. It may just be Squish's favorite place to be. I think that Tex was off the mark a little bit on this one though. Squish asked if he could go swing. Tex, having one of his ever increasing senior-in-training moments, got Squish confused with Princess Girl and placed Squish here....

See that look on Squish's face? That is not pure joy.

Now for a small vocabulary lesson. Bear with me, it wont take too long. Pack and Play: a spinoff of the crib, a portable piece of equipment use to contain a small child. Trampoline: a strong piece of canvas, attached to a metal frame, used for jumping. Correct me if I am wrong, but these definations do not sound similar. Why then, did this happen? Poor Princess Girl.

So, yeah, Tex does things a bit differently than Mommy does. But who cares? The kids are well taken care of and happy. Plus, as an added benefit, he cooks!

Well, at least he tries!



  2. LMAO. SO funny. You're blogs are great JT. And why in the hell did I think your husband had a different name?

  3. I love your blog. That is so funny. Sounds like something that my DH would do. And BTW, the box has fiber :)

  4. LOL LOL! This was so funny! Tex can babysit for me anytime!
