Oh Pacifier, How I Love Thee
From the day I arrived into this world loudly screaming
You have been there for me, while awake and when dreaming.
Wether you are in my hand, my pocket, or my mouth,
Comfort you bring, in times of bountifulness and drought
One of you will do, but my joyfulness will multiply
When there are two, three or even four, of my beloved Paci's nearby.
Laytex-free MAM's are the brand I prefer.
When Mommy opens up the package, you are pearl in the oyster.
Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, even Pink
Your color does not much matter, you and me, we are in sync.
When I fell at the playground, you brought much needed comfort.
Although I love you unconditionally, my brother and sister I cannot convert.
I know that our time together will one day come to a close.
Until then, my friend, you will wash away all of my woes.
I love you Paci
Yours Forever,

I'm going to throw up!